Tomasz Jama-Lipa - profile image
Tomasz Jama-Lipa
Full Stack Web Developer

Your online business presence is super important in modern world. New technologies emerge every month, websites get hacked or become slow and not compatible with current devices.

That is where I come in. My full stack skills will make your website fast, reliable and easy to expand in the future.

My services include:

  • Designing and implementing websites, ranging from simple marketing sites to complex web-apps
  • Improving performance and modernising legacy applications (See why it's important)
  • Hardening your site security using latest best practices (Ignoring this may cost you a lot)
  • Deploying to production, with SEO, SSL and HTTP 2 enabled
  • Integrating payments, including PayPal and Stripe
  • Automating as much as possible

Personal Projects


HMH Logo
Mazda Logo
Idibu Logo
Aylien Logo
Evercam Logo
Beautifeye Logo

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